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Try Not to Cry: Is Holding Back Tears Bad for Your Health?

Try Not to Cry: Is Holding Back Tears Bad for Your Health?

Is it bad if you never cried when you felt the urge? Here's what happens throughout your body when holding back tears is your only option.

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Why Do We Cry? The Truth Behind Your Tears, tears

Here's What Happens if You Don't Let Yourself Cry

Crying Too Much and Living With Pseudobulbar Affect

Cry Me a River. It's Good For You. - The Atlantic

Why Am I so Emotional Lately?

Does Everyone Cry in Therapy? — Aspire Counseling

Why Do We Cry? The Truth Behind Your Tears, tears

Are Tears Good for Your Skin? Here's What Experts Say

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Try Not to Cry: Is Holding Back Tears Bad for Your Health?