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Middle-aged women are 'the UK's hidden alcoholics

Middle-aged women are 'the UK's hidden alcoholics

The number of families of women aged 45 to 54 seeking help for alcoholism during lockdown has risen significantly during the coronavirus pandemic.

Middle-aged women are 'the UK's hidden alcoholics

Sharp rise in women over 60 treated for alcoholism

A 75-Year-Old Woman's Secrets for Aging Gracefully

After 40 years of 'grey area' drinking, one woman quit alcohol


UK women top list of world's biggest female binge drinkers, report

My mum was an alcoholic and it was a massive secret

Janet Devlin: Life became a living hell for me and those around me

Alcoholism and the 'Middle Aged' Women - The Haynes Clinic

Alcohol is much worse for women than men. Here's why.

Is Secret Drinking a Sign of Alcoholism - Castle Craig

Facts About Aging and Alcohol

Best non alcoholic whiskies in 2024, taste tested

50 Celebrities who don't drink alcohol