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deforestation has begun to slow since Lula took over in

deforestation has begun to slow since Lula took over in

Brazil’s president, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, has made progress towards halting the illegal destruction of rainforest, but political opposition and the incoming El Niño will bring further challenges

Brazil: deforestation drops 34% in first six months under Lula, Brazil

Cropped 11 January 2023: Brazil under Lula; COP15 reaction; EU deforestation law - Carbon Brief

Jheni Osman (@JheniOsman) / X

Issue 3445, Magazine cover date: 1 July 2023

Brazil: Illegal Gold Miners Fatally Shot In Indigenous, 40% OFF

Brazil: Illegal Gold Miners Fatally Shot In Indigenous, 40% OFF

Deforestation in Brazil's falls in first month under Lula

deforestation has begun to slow since Lula took over in Brazil

The rainforest news, articles and features

Lula government struggles to rein in deforestation in Brazil, Climate Crisis News

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