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Using PVA and captive breeding to balance trade-offs in the rescue

Using PVA and captive breeding to balance trade-offs in the rescue

3: Schematic of methodology used by Chauvenet et al. (2013) to map

Polyandry and non-random fertilisation maintain long-term genetic

The genetic consequences of captive breeding, environmental change and human exploitation in the endangered peninsular pronghorn

a) An original habitat surface with bandwidth = 0.0007 and (b) a

Distribution of adult (shaded), subadult (dotted) and juvenile

Understanding between-host processes (Part II) - Wildlife Disease Ecology


Genome-wide patterns of differentiation over space and time in the

PDF] Genetic consequences of genetic mixing in mammal translocations in Western Australia using case studies of burrowing bettongs and dibblers

Integrating population genetics and species distribution modelling

PDF) Population viability analysis as a tool in wildlife

The genetic rescue of two bottlenecked South Island robin populations using translocations of inbred donors

PDF) Zoos Can Lead the Way Dalia Conde and Kathy Traylor-Holzer

Predicted effects of landscape change, sea level rise, and habitat management on the extirpation risk of the Hawaiian common gallinule (Gallinula galeata sandvicensis) on the island of O'ahu [PeerJ]

The genetic consequences of captive breeding, environmental change