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Your Post-Partum Belly: What to expect and what you need to know

Your Post-Partum Belly: What to expect and what you need to know

If there’s one thing we know for sure, it’s that it’s going to take a while for your post-partum belly to return to its pre-pregnancy state (and let’s be real, odds are it’ll never go back to quite the way it was before giving birth).  Most women gain around 10-12 kilograms while pregnant, and with the average baby wei

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Diastasis Recti: What to Know About This Postpartum Problem

Pregnant Belly Stages: Size, Shape, And What To Expect

Pooping After Birth: Common Postpartum Bowel Movement Problems

Recover better with Core Restore Support Band

Postpartum bleeding: What to expect

Should You Try Postpartum Belly Wrapping?

How and When Your Postpartum Belly Changes After Birth

Stitches after birth: The Healing Process Explained

Stretch Marks After Pregnancy Are Not Embarrassing