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Who Can Join?, Japanese Budo, Koryu Bujutsu

Who Can Join?, Japanese Budo, Koryu Bujutsu

The SMAA invites all individuals who are interested in traditional Japanese budo and koryu bujutsu to apply for membership.

Koryu Bujutsu Sensho - The Hidden Roots of Budo: Mark W.J.M.

What Makes the Modern Japanese Martial Art Different? - Kendo

Koryu Bujutsu: Classical Warrior Traditions of Japan


The “Japanization” of Okinawan Karate in Mainland Japan

Hong Kong Bujutsu Hong Kong Hong Kong

Gendai budō - Wikipedia

Real Fighting is Not the Primary Purpose of Budo - Guillaume Erard

Koryu Bujutsu: Classical Japanese Martial Arts

Aiki Budo Seizui Essence Japanese Martial Arts Koryu Jujutsu

Monthly column] Worldwide Koryu Dojo Report Vol.3 Sosuishi-ryu