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Mack Weldon - Quirk Creative

Mack Weldon - Quirk Creative

No Need to Wear Anything Else Mack Weldon CHALLENGE Mack Weldon needed a video campaign that could quickly showcase the features of their line of men’s underwear to an online audience. They needed something that would immediately draw users’ attention on social, while introducing the brand’s playful, yet elevated sensibility. Preview modal- SOLUTION The only…

Mack Weldon Elevated clothing to look and feel your best

Naadam Soft Things Campaign - Quirk Creative

Mack Weldon Elevated clothing to look and feel your best

Mack Weldon - Standard Black

Mack Weldon Projects :: Photos, videos, logos, illustrations and

Quirk Creative Ad World Masters

Naadam Soft Things Campaign - Quirk Creative

Who We Are - Quirk Creative


Mack Weldon - History is one long processional of crazy ideas